The Lightsaber’s Smart-Hilt technology connects with the app to track the angle, speed, and accuracy of users’ moves. With this Lightsaber Academy app and Interactive Battle Lightsaber toy (sold separately), kids can train with the greatest Jedi and Sith in the galaxy, battle legendary Masters, and go head to head against friends. It takes great skill and a oneness with the Force to wield a lightsaber properly. The Lightsaber’s Bluetooth-enabled Smart-Hilt contains an accelerometer, gyroscope, and barometer that tracks the angle, speed, and accuracy of moves and sends the info to the app

SMART-HILT TECHNOLOGY FOR INTERACTIVE APP GAMEPLAY "FOR USE WITH INTERACTIVE LIGHTSABER TOY: The free Lightsaber Academy app is designed for use with the Star Wars Lightsaber Academy Interactive Battle Lightsaber toy, sold separately.